About Us

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and learn a little bit more about us. Our names are Stephanie Neveu and Shikha Abbi, and we have been good friends and teaching partners for over 6 years. We are quite the dynamic duo and truly make a great team! We enjoy creating lessons together, as well as, sharing many of our resources with other teachers and colleagues, so we thought...why not share them with the world!?! That's how we started our Teachers Pay Teachers website: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/2-Smart-Chicks . We hope our work will inspire educators of children around the world!
Stephanie Neveu

Family and teaching are the two most important parts of who I am. My husband Andre is my high school sweetheart, and we have been together for over 20 years. My son Andrew is the love of my life. I truly enjoy spending time with him and having the chance to be a kid again! I cherish every moment we spend together. In my spare time, I love going on vacation with my family or travelling up north to the cottage. Who can resist playing cards, swimming, go-karting and of course eating ice-cream? Teaching is my passion and I take great pride in building relationships with my students. One of my greatest joys in life is receiving a post card, letter, or e-mail from a former student. I can't think of a more rewarding job than making a difference in the lives of young children and inspiring them everyday!

Shikha Abbi

The three pillars of my life that bring me immeasurable joy are teaching, travel and my husband Pun. Teaching precious children and empowering them with education gives my life tremendous purpose and meaning. To help shape the future citizens of our world is truly a fulfilling task. Travelling around the globe and experiencing new people, places, cultures and cuisines is another passion of mine. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to travel to almost every continent on the planet. The world is a big, beautiful place and I can't wait until my next adventure! Last, but certainly not least, my husband Pun is the rock that keeps me grounded. Loving you and being loved by you in return has been the single greatest blessing of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I bought your resource grade 1 science unit needs and characteristics of living things. It suggests that I open it with adobe but when I try I keep getting an error message, it says something like this file couldn't open because it was damaged. Can you suggest another way to print or send it to me in another format? Thanks in advance.
